Pandavas chase deer into the forest, but they do not return.
Dharma tests his son Yudhishthira. Fast forward, the Pandavas decide to spend
their 13th year of exile in King Virata’s courts. Bhima becomes the
head chef. Kichaka dies. Susharman and
Duryodhana, in the wake of Kichaka’s death, prepare to capture / kill all of
the king’s cows. The king chased them, but in the wake of his chase, he left
the castle unprotected. Sanjaya sees the Pandavas, and each are given a city.
Kripa doesn’t like the idea of war, but nevertheless he agrees to engage in war
in order to show his support for Duryodhana. Krishna is asleep. He awakes, and
he offers Arjuna a choice. He said that he could either be Krishna’s ally, or
he can have Krishna’s soldiers. He chose to be his ally, which sent the
soldiers to Duryhodhana. Krishna’s side wins.
King Virata = King of Matsya
Kichaka = one of
Virata’s generals, brother of Queen Sudeshna
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